Summer cleanin', had me a blast…

Every year in January, the Riverlinks Technical Department spends 120 hours over 3 weeks in both venues maintaining and testing all of the technical equipment.

All of the lighting bars are stripped and cleaned. Every lighting fixture is blown dust free using an air compressor, followed by a full wipe down and check of the chassis, then a removal of the glass lenses to be wiped and polished clean for optimal optic output.

After this process we test and tag all electrical items (851 tags are used). This includes audio equipment, power leads and all lighting.  The team updates the asset list and completes any repairs that may be required.

During this time we also clean all of our drapes, catwalks, storage and audio equipment.  With over 1400 small assets to maintain/check the crew have a big job on their hands ensuring every item is ready for our first event!